What Really Bothers You About Thinning Hair?
If I was not a major distributor of Volluma Hair Thickener – which you should all try by the way – I think I may have explored the psychology world. So, given my nature to analyze, I hope you’ll indulge me by thinking about this question: what really bothers you about thinning hair?
As mentioned in the blog a few weeks ago, the pressure to have a great head of hair is a relatively new issue for men. But yes, it does exist. We face a lot of pressure. But I gotta ask, are you really that affected by what other people think? Especially about something you have no control over?
I’m going to take a stab at some of your reason thinning hair or baldness bothers you. And then I will show you the error of your thinking.
#1 Your significant other frequently makes comments and you’re starting to think your thinning hair really does bother them. Before you start to feel self-conscious around the one person who’s supposed to love you the most, think about how you interact with her. Are there things you tease her about? Things you give her a hard time about? Weight? Her driving? Her cooking? As couples, we’re constantly giving each other a hard time. If you suffer from thinning hair or baldness, it’s an easy target. But give her the benefit of the doubt that she doesn’t mean to hurt your feelings. (You know, those feelings men aren’t supposed to have?)
#2 You believe people are staring at your hair (or lack thereof) when you go out. Truth of the matter is, we are 10 times more aware of our appearance than the people around us. Try going to a party or a crowded environment and take note. How often do people check mirrors as they walk by them? How many times does a woman touch her hair or suck in her tummy? People are concerned about themselves…not your thinning hair.
#3 You believe women pass you up because of your thinning hair. On this one, I have to relent a little bit. If you go to a party, a bar, or a convention, you’ll be competing with men who have thicker hair. But long-lasting relationships are not based on first appearance. According to every source I’ve ever read, women want men who are funny, attentive, and sincere. If you’re having trouble dating or attracting women, it’s more likely you need to develop those qualities and not worry so much about your thinning hair or baldness.
Now, here’s what’s interesting about my situation. On the one hand, I learned long ago that being self-conscious about your appearance does no good. But as a man who suffers from baldness I’ve experienced all the pains you have. And that was one of the reasons I became a supplier of Volluma.
So here’s my (non-professional) advice…learn to be happy with your appearance. Realize that few people are even paying attention to what you look like. And those that are would not be worth your time. But, for those nights when you want to go out or look really good, you need Volluma.
Yes, you can have the best of both worlds. You can learn to be okay with thinning hair and still give yourself a boost for those special occasions when you need it.
If you haven’t tried Volluma yet, then I’m going to challenge you to test it out. And good luck learning to be confident in yourself.
Look Good, Feel Great! |
Christopher Denison |
http://www.volluma.net/men/ |