Simple, Trendy Hairstyles – a Gift for Us

Have you been to a rodeo lately? Were you at all surprised to see that the rodeo queens had dropped the big, fluffy curls? Instead, they’re sporting simple hairstyles that barely call any attention to their appearance. (Of course, the hats and the rhinestones may still make a few heads turn.)

Additionally, I noticed that the “in” hairstyle this summer is a simple, straight bob. Jennifer Aniston has it. Rhiannon has it. Keira Knighly has it. Victoria Beckham almost always has it.

Do you know what that means for women with thinning hair? It means that you can sport the most popular hairstyles and look amazing!

In most of my blog posts, if I mention Volluma, I do so at the end of the post. Today is different. Because today, I want you to understand how easy it is to get the same trendy looks celebrities are wearing now.

Volluma is a spray that thickens the hair shafts you already have. Now, if you wanted to be a rodeo queen and sport a head of hair that requires a whole can of hairspray just to hold, you’d be out of luck. Volluma cannot magically create more hair. What it does is maximize the hair you do have…even if you’re experiencing thinning hair.

If you’re like most women with thinning hair, you keep your hair pulled back in ponytails or pulled up so no one can detect the thinning spots. But what if you want to pull off a cute, simple bob? The idea of parting your hair might cause you nightmares. However, with Volluma, you can wear your hair straight, slightly curly, up, down, parted, or pulled back and still look amazing.

Women no longer have to sport thick, flowing locks to attract attention and make an impression. The definition of beautiful hair has changed. Today’s styles seem like they were tailored for those of us with thinning hair. Unless the 80’s trends come back (which I’ve been watching and fearing), hair styles are more calm and natural and that makes Volluma your best friend.

My heart actually hurts for women who feel trapped by their appearance. So here is my message for you: as long as you’re not trying to pull off a rodeo look (which is apparently outdated anyway), you can have any look you want.  Stop hiding behind ponytails, and do something different. It’s time to start flaunting your best looks and give yourself a diversity of styling options to try.

Be sure to contact us if you need help finding the right color of Volluma for you – and try it now!

dale-denison Look Good, Feel Great! Volluma-book-on-counter-200x300
Dale Denison
Dale Lorna Denison
P.S. For great styling tips for Women with Thinning Hair, check out my FREE Styling Guide –>

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